For starters, right now I work a mind numbingly boring temporary job. I stare at a screen a push buttons all day. The side effect is that I am now really good at pushing buttons and at this moment in time I am twice as fast as anyone else at the table.  And that was my short bragging moment. Now right now this job has me on the evening shift and tonight as I walked back to my car, because being me, I had to park the farthest away, I looked up and saw the most amazing natural light show ever. It was a silent lightning storm that just never quit lighting up some area or another.

So out of the building I walked and looking up curiously because there were flashes of light all around me. I found out that it is rather hard to walk backwards for any length of time, not that that stopped me. I was looking up and gawking as the sky dazzled me in the show. I ended up staying later then usual this night because I am amazed on the beauty of the world. On the clouds and this lovely lightning show that I will never see again. It is on par with the storm I once saw in wyoming where I actually got to see that picturesque symbol we all come to associate with a lightning bolt. Or the morning where the sunrise left this line of clouds the deepest of purples. Or the storm what happened the first time my mom and I went camping in a tent way to small and we saw the band along the horizon bring forth lightning, but we saw it from the side.

Tonight, as I wandered out of the building with my brain numb with boredom I looked up and saw how amazing life can really be. In the form of light dancing above my head, beating out any other existence and it showed glimpses of the world that I, no we, inhabit. 
6/7/2012 11:43:47 pm

Wow! That was beautifully written.


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